GRSD Sewer Authority
10831 Kruger Rd
New Buffalo, MI 49117
(269) 469-3434
(269) 469-0058
Hours of operation:
7:00 AM-3:00 PM EST
We are here to protect the environment and communities we serve.
Contact us to learn more about what we do or inquire about a plant tour.
2023 Holidays:
New Year's Day - 1/2/2023
Memorial Day - 5/29/2023
4th of July - 7/4/2023
Labor Day - 9/4/2023
Thanksgiving Day - 11/23/2023
Day after Thanksgiving - 11/24/2023
Christmas Eve - 12/22/2023
Christmas Day - 12/25/2023
New Year's Eve - 12/29/2023